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About Us

Who We Are?

Welcome to Elahi Green , a leading pioneer in the realm of dehydrated vegetable exports. With a passion for quality, sustainability, and culinary excellence, we have emerged as a trusted global partner, providing a diverse range of premium dehydrated vegetables, fruits, powders and Flowers to markets around the world.
At the heart of our agricultural philosophy is the commitment to responsible farming practices. We believe in cultivating a harmonious relationship between the land, the crops, and the community. Through sustainable methods, ethical stewardship, and a deep respect for nature, we strive to leave a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a resilient and thriving agricultural ecosystem.
Organic Products
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Healthy Foods
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Founder of Elahi Green

Beenish Javaid
Tayyab Masood
Healthy Foods

What We Provide For Your Better Health

We Have More Then 70+ Global Partners

What We Offers

People Choose Us For Our Price Friendly & Great Offers.

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Why Choose Us

Why we prefer dried vaggies and Fruits

Cooking and Baking

Dry veggies and fruits can be rehydrated and used in a wide range of recipes, including soups, stews, casseroles, and baked goods. They add flavor, texture, and nutritional value to dishes.


Dried fruits are popular as healthy snacks, providing a convenient and portable option for those looking to satisfy their sweet cravings without added sugars.

Nutrient Retention

Dehydrating fruits and vegetables helps retain many of their essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. While some nutrients may be reduced during the drying process, the overall nutrient density remains relatively high.

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